Advanced development

Efficient and cost effective software development is based on two simple ideas:
- Advanced analytical and scientific skills along with clear, well-organised, reproducible, maintainable software are the key factors for the development of highly-performing data analysis routines.
- The open-source infrastructure is on a fast development track, constantly offering new opportunities. Therefore, existing software updates are a key factor for the integration of consolidated development with the newest projects.
In some cases, companies do not give the right importance to these two key factors, thus causing a loss of opportunities and an underestimation of risks and costs of the failure to update.
In other cases, companies, despite being aware of the importance of these operations, have to cope with a lack of competences and resources.
For this reason, Quantide provide their Customers with a development and updating service of their R code.
More specifically, Quantide can offer:
- Development of efficient data analysis software
- Optimization of existing software
- Update of existing routines to the newest version of R
- Organization of R code into structured and documented packages