“Introduction to R”: new free basic course on Datacamp in Italian!
Check out outlines and info here

We Believe in Data.
And Your Company should too.
Over the last few years, more and more companies have identified new reasons for working with data.
At present, data are effective tools for companies to draw out valuable information, take better decisions and seize new opportunities for their business.
Our philosophy and our aim:
“Knowledge from Data”
Quantide is strongly focused on statistics. The company’s team consists of experienced statisticians and smart IT professionals. From the latest academic research and studies, Quantide creates statistical models for all customers and builds better & stronger data systems.

We can support data knowledge through Visualization, Creation & Building.
Starting from data analysis and data reporting, Quantide has developed state-of-the-art solutions to turn its customers’ data into insights and to visualize complex information.
We aren’t Afraid of Your Data System. RRReally.
Quantide combines a deep knowledge about data science with strong IT skills. Using ‘R’, one of the best software for data scientists worldwide, it can solve a wide range of problems, dealing with any data system and any technology.

We Teach You How to Solve Problems and Create Value.
In addition to the consultancy services, Quantide also provides its customers with high-quality training services, tailored on each customer’s needs.
In conclusion, if you’re looking for innovative and value-driven consulting and training services for your company, you’re definitely in the right place.
Consulting & Tutoring
Are you looking for some efficient and valuable consulting services about Data Science? Have a look at our Services overview and contact us for further information.
Data Science Courses
Are you looking for some courses about R, the open source software for statisticians? Find out how you can improve your skills thanks our wide range of training courses.
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