Rabbit is a web book by Nicola Sturaro about base R.
It covers topics of Quantide course Introduction to R.


This web book is the result of several years of introductory R course. It contains work of my colleagues: Daniela Manzato, who wrote the first version of this book, Andrea Spanò, who reviews the first versions and Enrico Pegoraro.

However, it would not have been possible without the sharing of knowledge, information, ideas, doubts and even criticisms of many individuals on the internet. I would like to extend my sincere thanks to all of them.

I am grateful to Bill Venables and John Chambers for their publications on R that provided solid foundations to my knowledge on this subject. Moreover Quick R often provides some useful ready-to-cook recipe.

For who concern graphics, I found R Graphics by Paul Murrel and R Graph Gallery good references in this topic.

I finally express my sincere excuses to all researchers and R enthusiasts I have borrowed any knowledge from without mentioning them. This was not intentional, simply I had not always tracked my sources. If this is the case, please contact me directly and I will be more than happy to include any appropriate reference in this manual.